
Hands with freshly manicured nails featuring a glossy peach base color decorated with intricate floral patterns. The background consists of a soft pink, fluffy surface.
Hands with freshly manicured nails featuring a glossy peach base color decorated with intricate floral patterns. The background consists of a soft pink, fluffy surface.

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Локація манікюру

Запрошуємо вас до нашого салону в м. Вишневе, де ви отримаєте якісний манікюр від сертифікованого майстра.


м. Вишневе, ЖК Акварелі-2


Пн-Нд: 10:00

Про нас - ttati nails

Майстер манікюру Тетяна Носкова запрошує вас на якісний манікюр з професійним підходом та знижкою на перший візит.

Two hands with decorated fingernails resting on a textured surface. The nails feature a design with black tips and small black dots on a nude base.
Two hands with decorated fingernails resting on a textured surface. The nails feature a design with black tips and small black dots on a nude base.
A close-up view of a hand with long, sparkly pink glitter nail polish on the fingernails. The nails are neatly manicured and have a glossy finish, emphasizing the sparkles in the polish.
A close-up view of a hand with long, sparkly pink glitter nail polish on the fingernails. The nails are neatly manicured and have a glossy finish, emphasizing the sparkles in the polish.
A teal-colored table holds a pair of metal scissors, a wooden cuticle stick, and two bottles of nail polish. There is also a small white pad and some greenery in the background, set against a blurred, light brown backdrop.
A teal-colored table holds a pair of metal scissors, a wooden cuticle stick, and two bottles of nail polish. There is also a small white pad and some greenery in the background, set against a blurred, light brown backdrop.

Наші послуги манікюру

Сертифікований майстер, стерильний інструмент, одноразові матеріали та професійна апаратура для ідеального манікюру. Чекаємо на вас!